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Boxcar in Robot Wrecks


Name: William "Billy" Ray Smith
Nickname: Boxcar, "Volto" (in Robot Wrecks)
Played By: Vincent Graeff
Born: Relatives: None known
Clubs: The Gas House Gang, Butch's Assassins, Third Street Bunch
First Short: The Pigskin Palooka
Last Short: Dancing Romeo


Boxcar Smith seems have become a replacement bully to Butch, who had gradually mellowed in his hostility toward the gang, but Boxcar's behavior leans close to actually being a neighborhood thug. In addition to playing baseball in Kiddie Kure, he also joins Butch's Assassins to play football in The Pigskin Palooka, but his pursuits actually lean toward being a source of misery to the others. He teams with Slicker Walburn to tease Lee Wong in Baby Blues, as a member of the Third Street Bunch helps tie the gang's clothes in knots while they were swimming in Fightin' Fools, poses as a robot in Robot Wrecks to terrorize the gang, shoots Spanky in the rear with a pop gun in Helping Hands and starts a fight in Election Daze. As part of The Gas House Gang, he's a full-blown juvenile delinquent running a protection racket under run by Frank.
Later on, Boxcar seems to inexplicably appear as part of Spanky's kiddie USO show to entertain the troops in Doin' Their Bit, but his motivation in that involvement seems to be a mystery.
Quotes: None


  • Vincent Greaff was one of several third-string Rascals that went unidentified in Maltin and Bann's "Little Rascals" book. He was identified through "The Lucky Corner" website.
